
Unidos en Salud
United in Health

An Academic-Community-City Partnership
Service and Science

This spring and summer we have resumed our monthly Healthy First Fridays program, continuing through August 2025. We offer free rapid testing for COVID-19, HIV, and diabetes; blood pressure checks; COVID home test kits; and health insurance assistance.

Esta primavera y verano hemos reanudado nuestro programa mensual Healthy First Fridays, que continuará hasta agosto de 2025. Ofrecemos pruebas rápidas gratuitas para COVID-19, VIH y diabetes; controles de presión arterial; kits de pruebas caseras de COVID; y asistencia de seguro médico.

All testing services are free of charge

Todos los servicios de prueba son gratuitos.

Programa Primeros Viernes Saludables

Estaremos abiertos para servicios de exámenes de salud los viernes de 9 am a 3:45 pm en las siguientes fechas:

7 de marzo, 4 de abril, 2 de mayo, 6 de junio, 11 de julio, 1 de agosto

Healthy First Fridays Program

We will be open for health screening services on Fridays from 9am to 3:45pm on the following dates:

March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 11, August 1

Since April 2020, we have provided over 106,000 COVID tests and administered over 80,000 COVID, flu and mpox vaccinations.

Thank you for your support.

White House welcomes Unidos en Salud

Article by Annika Hom for Mission Local

“[Unidos en Salud] joined 15 other hyperlocal groups to share community-led health solutions at the White House’s Covid-19 Equity and What Works Showcase.

The Unidos en Salud site, now located on 24th and Capp streets, has scaled up to become what Rojas calls a health “surveillance site.” As it was the only of its kind in the conference, it generated lots of hubbub.

“Everyone who gets tested positive gets sequenced, so we can understand what variant is happening in our community,” Rojas said. “Instead of trying to guess or waiting for the city to come out and say, ‘this is Delta [variant],’ we are informing the city.”

Our Services

All testing and vaccine services remain free for everyone

Vaccines - available in fall 2025

COVID-19 vaccines

Flu vaccines - 6 months and up


COVID-19 testing

Diabetes - Glucose or A1C testing

HIV testing

Blood pressure checks

In addition to testing and vaccine services, we offer free COVID-19 home test kits and free Narcan medication which can help reverse an overdose from opioid drugs such as fentanyl and heroin.

Nuestros Servicios

Todos los servicios de pruebas y vacunas siguen siendo gratuitos para todos

Vacunas - disponible en otoño de 2025

Vacuna COVID-19

Vacunas contra la gripe - 6 meses en adelante


Pruebas de COVID-19

Prueba de VIH

Diabetes - Prueba aleatoria de azúcar en sangre o A1C

Controles de presión arterial

Además de los servicios de pruebas y vacunas, ofrecemos kits de pruebas caseras de COVID-19 gratuitos y medicamentos Narcan gratuitos que pueden ayudar a revertir una sobredosis de drogas opioides como el fentanilo y la heroína.

Our Vision

Reduce COVID and resipiratory virus transmission and improve lives and livelihoods in communities most impacted by these diseases due to health disparities through low-barrier, community-based vaccination and test, respond, and treatment services.

The Issue

COVID-19 and respiratory viruses disproportionately effect communities of color across the nation

In San Francisco at the onset of the pandemic, LatinX members made up roughly 50% of COVID-19 cases, despite being 15% of the population due to longstanding health inequities.

Low-barrier access to vaccination, testing, treatment and care are instrumental in curbing the pandemic

Our Mission

Advancing access and effectiveness to COVID and respiratory virus test-and-response services and vaccines

With our partners, we provide free, low-barrier COVID-19 and respiratory virus vaccination and test, response and treatment services that inform policy changes to address real-life conditions faced by vulnerable populations.

We are also conducting surveillance for new COVID variants to inform public health policy in our community.

Our Impact

Since April 2020, we have provided COVID test, response, and treatment services to over 106,000 people through the United in Health/Unidos en Salud initiative in the Mission, Bayview, Sunnydale, Tenderloin, Excelsior and Visitacion Valley districts in San Francisco. In the Mission District, we have distributed over 80,000 COVID vaccinations at our 24th and Capp St. COVID vaccination site.

Our studies have directly lead to the “Right to Recover” program in San Francisco, which provided support for families affected by COVID-19 who experienced financial hardship due to isolation/quarantine during the earliear phase of the pandemic.

Since February 2021, we have been providing free vaccinations, treatment, and rapid test and response services for COVID and viral respiratory diseases to members of the Mission District community of San Francisco.

Testing site entrance is at 24th & Capp St.

Participants will receive their results by the end of the day. Learn more here.

Rapid testing at the 24th & Mission BART Station. Rapid test site is now located at 24th & Lilac. Photo by Mike Kai Chen.


Silvana Farron helping her 92 year old mother Ana Garcia wait in the observation tent area at the UCSF COVID-19 vaccination site at 24th St and Mission in San Francisco. Photo by Maurice Ramirez.